Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Blog 7

(Written editorial- Election reflections: our views http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/11/05/election-campaign-2014-obama-republicans-turnout-editorials-debates/18550423/) 
(Editorial cartoon-

1. The written editorial is about the results of the 2014 election (the Republican Party gaining majority in the Senate) the decreasing number of voters that voted this year. The editorial cartoon is about the conflicting parties of Tom Tillis (Republican Majority Leader) and Obama (Democratic President) and the  conflict of weather Congress will be able to pass bills and get things done due to partisanship. 

2. Each editorial represented their topic by explaining the results of the 2014 election. Neither appear to take any particular political sides, however the written editorial explains more so about the logistics of the election, and the cartoon shows the political partisanship as a result of the election. 

3. The editorial carton and written editorial are alike in that they both acknowledge the tension  between parties due to the recent election. They differ in that the carton is focusing more on the repercussions of the election and future action in legislature, as where the written editorial focuses more on the election itself, giving statistics of voter turn out and percentages of the voting results. 

4. I think the cartoon is more effective in proving a point because it sums up the results of the election in fewer words and it explains the political situation more effectively because the article provides more statistics of the election. 

5. The benefits of drawing an editorial carton vs. writing an editorial is that pictures are easier for many people to understand and they grab your attention faster than a regular article could. Drawbacks of a cartoon opposed to writing an editorial is that you have less space to write information and fully elaborate on the subject. 

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